sleep regression

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

For nearly three months Evan, you have been falling asleep with ease, no need for milk, only a snuggle with myself or your father and we could lay your tired body effortlessly on your white sheets.
There you would stay for the next eleven - thirteen hours, sleeping soundly. The occasional whimper, a dream that would make you stir, but no need for intervention from us, your loving parents.
I have often woke, missing your touch, those moments of togetherness in the dark of the night, feeling like we are the only two existing in our bubble.

Oh Evan, it had been going so well. 
Lately, sleep has regressed and regressed. No longer are you drifting so easily and it seems only my arms will do. Gone are the eleven - thirteen hour stretches, 'hello again' to the night time cuddles, rocking, (occasional) feeds, humming and hair pulling. Getting you back to sleep is almost as tough as getting you to sleep, often resulting in dad on the living room floor, you taking his place in our bed.
The struggle to send you back off continues as you can't seem to get close enough to me, or find your comfy spot. You sleep intermittently, and knowing I'm so close you wake often, wriggling endlessly.
There you are blood shot and teary eyes.
There you are sleep deprivation...

Any tips out there???
Jacqueline @ HOME said...

It's a shame that the 11/13 hours of sleep don't continue forever isn't it Amy ? A child's life never stands still and is forever changing. Just wait until he's 15 and lays in bed all day !!!!! haha
I don't think that there are any tips …. just take each day at a time.
I just LOVE your photographs of Evan. XXXX

obat herbal varises said...

wow very nice
that very fun, when a sleep baby

Unknown said...

Hi Jackie, I don't know where my 'reply button' so i'll post on the comment here instead!!
You are so right, a childs life IS forever changing, it is hard to keep up sometimes!
I am rolling with the wakeful nights and trying to be patient, knowing that 'this too shall pass!'
Oh those teenage years....I will be sure to treasure those all day lie ins!!!
Hope you are all well xxxx

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